What Qualifications do you need to become a Biomedical Engineering?
A bachelor's degree in biomedical engineering
Coursework with biology, math and chemitry courses
How do you handle the stress and pressure a doctor's workload?
Being a doctor is stressful but it is also rewarding helping other people.
I don't mix my life and my life together.
I always try to be organized and finish everything on time.
What do you think is key in delivering bad news to patients?
First, you have to demonstrate empathy when delivering bad news. Realize that you can never feel the same way the recipient feels or truly understand their emotions, but you can comfort and support them as if you were at the threshold of understanding.
Understand the patient's perspective. Doctors have to be clear about what they mean by worse rather than assuming.
Speak in plain language because some patients will not be fluent in the vocabulary.
Schedule enough time for the bad news and their questions
Remain available for more interactions and encourage second opinions.
How do you stay up to date with new treatments and advancements?
Talking to my coworkers, colleges and their medical updates. This includes other doctors, nurses, pharmacist, etc.
There is always a meeting attendance and this is sometimes how we stay up to date with new treatmens and advancements.
I usually independently learn about the new treatmens and advancements that they are in the world. Reading articles or the news.
How are you able to manage your time outside of work?
I manage my time, I balance my work and life effectively, planning and organizing and not engaging in time-wasting activies.
I prioritize. I identify what is important and I like finishing everything on time.
What are some responsibilities of biomedical engineering?
They apply engineering principles and materials to medicine and healthcare.
Develop or contribute to revolutionary life-saving concepts such as artificial organs, surgical robots, advanced prosthetics, new pharmaceutical drugs, and kidney dialysis.